We are the new creations in Jesus Christ!

Friday of week 22 of the year, year 1Lk. 5, 33 - 39

St. Paul gave a mini-Catechesis about Jesus and how the Church is linked with him.  It is with this link that marks our being Christians.  This is the good news: we are new creations in Jesus Christ.  It is the potential power within us: our capacity to change for the better and to be authentic images of God.  It can be possible if we give due attention to knowing the ways of Christ.  This is what the saints are made of.  To be modern-day saints does not only connote leading holy lives; it also means we are capable of bring life to the world - hope for the down trodden, a new beginning for the poor, and healing to the infirmed.

Give due attention to serving the Lord and nobody else!


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