
Gospel: Mark 10, 46 - 52

From the gospel of St. Mark, it may seem almost unbelievable for God to ask us the same question a waiter would, "What can I do for you?"  since he is God and does not deserve to be treated as a servant.

But God chose to be a servant and to be totally available for us, to help us, to fill us up with His graces.

There was a time when I stopped asking God what I wanted.  It may be because I realized He answers prayers not exactly as I wanted it but how He wanted me to receive it for my greater good.  But I learned a valuable lesson on prayer - I ended up not thinking about myself but more about asking what He wants.  I realized that He will would always be better than mine and that even now, He is fulfilling what is best for me. 

His question therefore would connote the deepest sense of service one could ever receive, "What can I do for you?"  as if He is saying, "I am and will always be with you, answering your every prayer and much more - I am leading you to the fullness of life in me."

Friends, maintain therefore the spirituality of serving God and others above the self.  In time, we will realize how God is answering our every prayer.


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