Black and white

Thursday of the 2nd week of lent; Gospel: Luke 16:19-31

We have come to rationalize that life is neither black nor white but shades of gray.  Actions are justified as neither moral or immoral.  We appeal in the end that God would understand us in the end.

The readings for today are filled with binarisms or opposites - the just and the foolish man, the rich man and Lazarus, the rich and the poor, the sumptuous food above the table and the scraps down below, and heaven and hell.

It would thus seem that for God, life is indeed black and white and not shady as we claim.  There are norms that God wants us to live out and sins that he despises.

There are only 2 responses to God's offer to us - to accept or reject; to listen to remain dumb; and to be hot or cold in our faith.  Take your pick.  After that, in everything, God is the ultimate judge of all our actions.

Choose what will bring us life and salvation.  Choose God.


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