Priesthood, the outpouring of the Holy Spirit

This day, March 27, both of us priests, Fr. Maico Rescate and I, are celebrating our priestly anniversary.  I am 18 years in the priesthood while Fr. Maico is 1 year befor he celebrates his silver anniversary.

Taking the gospel of Jesus and the Samaritan woman as my point of reference for reflection, allow me to reflect on  our priesthood as the outpouring gift of the Holy Spirit like a stream of living water promised by Jesus to the Samaritan woman.

I was inspired by the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Solemnity of the Annunciation when the Holy Spirit overshadowed her and she conceived Jesus our Lord.  I believe that when we said yes to this vocation, the Holy Spirit allowed us to conceive Jesus also.  I could still remember when Jesus asked me, "Do you love me, and I answered like Peter did, "Yes, Lord, I love you."  Then Jesus said, "Feed my sheep."  We need to say "yes" before the outpouring of the living water can ensue.

Secondly, like the Samaritan woman, the Lord is consistently preparing us to be the source of life-giving water to others.  It has never been easy, but it is all worth the efforts and the preparation.  To be purified of our intentions and our humanity and to be formed as the priests he wants us to be has never been easy.  There were thoughts and doubts.  But we were also amazed at the fruits of purification.  Thanks be to God for a fruitful ministry.

Thirdly, we would always appeal for your prayers and support.  We take charge of forming the hearts of others.  One thing I notice is we have been married to God's people; you dear friends, who are praying for us priests.  You who have been close to us and treated us as family members; you who have ceased treating us in a functional way and instead treated us as friends, thank you so much.  You are the miracle of our lives.  You cause our priesthood to happen.

Finally, it is still our Lenten journey with the Lord that perfects this priesthood.  Thanks be to God for this wonderful gift!


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