When sorrows become salvific

Our Lady of Sorrows

John 19:25-27

Whenever we think of Mary, it is inevitable that we always think of Jesus.  Mary is like the light of the moon that gets its light from the sun.

As we have celebrated the Exultation of cross yesterday, now we recall how Mary partook of the sufferings of Jesus, her son, and eventually, shared in our sufferings as well as our way to Jesus.

From the seven Sorrows of Mary, we could reflect on how the sorrows of Mary become salvific.  I shall mention three:

First, "A sword shall pierce your heart" (Luke 2:33-35)

From the very start, Mary's vocation is not one of glamour or fame; it's the mark of a disciple and a servant out to please God.  But Mary chose that path for us.

Second, "Do you not know I had to be in my Father's house?" (Luke 2: 43-45)

The pain of Mary losing her son is the pain of every mother and father to their children.  But isn't it that the vocation of every parent is to rear the children in the practice of the faith and to find their vocation in God?  We don't own our children.  They are meant for God.

Third, "Woman, behold your son."  (John 19:25-27)

Jesus now entrusts Mary not only John, but the entire human race.  She's not only to carry the sorrows of her son, but each one of us in all generations.

Let us pray to the Blessed Mother that we too may be strong in carrying our own crosses, if they are meant for us to give glory to God.


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