There's wisdom in following Jesus

Thursday of week 22 in Ordinary Time

Luke 5:1-11

Which is wiser: to serve or not to serve?

Post-modern situation priorities the ways of the world more than God's work.  Serving God may seem noble, but we don't have the time to do it.

But look at what happened to Peter.  Logic tells him that it's not the time of day to catch fish. And yet, Jesus told him, "Put out into deep water and pay out your nets for a catch." Reluctantly, he followed Jesus.

It may be a defiance of the rules of nature, but could God be pushed in favor of science and logic?  After all, God is the author of nature.

Besides, could it be that God is much more concerned with giving these burnt out fishermen and their families who may be on the verge of death simply because they don't have any catch of fish.  Much more than miracles, the very nature of God is to give life.  What's wrong with that?

Now, here we are, deciding not to follow the Lord because we think we can survive by not serving him.  Do we honestly believe we can live by turning our backs against Jesus?

If we only know the real way to life; if we care to know the secret of life and how our brothers and sisters especially the poor can have access to life, we could have, right now, given our unconditional "yes" to leave everything behind and follow Jesus who told Peter and is now telling us, "Today, you shall be fishers of men."  Don't lose this opportunity as Jesus is asking us right now.  Choose to be wise.  Choose to follow Jesus.


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