Be a modern-day apostle!

Can a Catholic not be a disciple?  The true essence of a Catholic is precisely in being a disciple.

As we celebrate the feast of St. Matthew, let us learn how to live the life and ways of an apostle or disciple.

In the gospel, Jesus to him, "Follow me" and immediately he followed him.  A disciple is a follower of Jesus.  May we have the courage and the eagerness to be Jesus' disciples.

A disciple is formed according to Jesus' heart in the course of following him.  He is filled with love; the same united love of the Triune God.

A disciple is a good steward for the gifts God has given him and he uses them to lead others to Christ. Whether the gifts be an apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastors, or teacher, he uses use all these to build up the body of Christ.

Finally, a disciple is a healer.  By proclaiming Jesus' Good News
, this world wounded by sin becomes an instrument of grace for all.


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