Be the light of Christ

Tuesday of week 22 in Ordinary Time

Luke 4:31-37

This day, Jesus manifested his authority over the evil one.  In the first reading, St. Paul exhorted the Thessalonians to live in the light.  What does "light" mean?

Light, in contrast with darkness, simply gives us the power to see.  Light is an array of color while darkness implies the absence of it.

Light is attributed to God who is the only source of light; while any absence of it is from the evil one who destroys anything that comes to be.  Anyone who treats things as light other than God is not worthy of His love.

Light is reflected in the conduct of Christians, both inwardly and outwardly.  Inwardly, it entails purity of heart patterned after the very heart of God.  Outwardly, they manifest God's power and majesty.  Our Christian dispositions are reflected in what lies in our hearts and manifests and in our actions.


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