Generous giving

Saint Laurence, Deacon, Martyr

John 12:24-26

The readings reflect generous giving.  Taking off from Jesus Christ who can never be outdone in generosity, how do we imitate God's generosity?

First, we reap what we sow.  Thin sowing means thing reaping.  The more we sow, the more we reap.  It is better for the God's word to be sown everywhere instead of being thinly sown.  We get what we deserve.  What we give comes back to us.

Second, the heart of generous giving is cheerfulness of a heart that gives itself to God.
So, let us be cheerful givers, gratuitous in nature, patterning our lives after God who generously gives to us.   We shall earn his abundant reward.

Third, the fruits of giving is saving his life for eternity.
The abundance is eternal life for us and for those whom we have planted God's good seed.  This is born out of following the Lord even in this life till the next.


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