Friday of week 17 in Ordinary Time, 1

The priest of God

Matthew 13:54-58 

Moses in the the book of Leviticus gave  prescriptions to Israel so that they could express liturgically their covenant with the Lord.  They are to celebrate regularly a feast, by recalling the saving works of God and render offerings that symbolize oblation, sacrifices, and libations to the Lord.  This is still celebrated by the Jews to this very day.

In the gospel, Jesus was rejected by Jews.  Questioning his roots, they belittled all the miracles he did and his powerful words.  He did not work miracles because of their lack of faith.

As we celebrate the memorial of St. John Marie Vianney, patron of parish priests, we also renew our commitment to the Holy Eucharist, celebrated by priests who are entrusted to offer sacrifices and convert bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ.

They are the living signs of God's covenant.  Though fully human and are prone to sinfulness, they are still chosen from among many, to offer the Eucharist as Jesus instructed for the sanctification of the world.  The are entrusted to proclaim the Good News of Jesus, forever faithful to his teachings and transmit them to every generation.  And finally, they given the power to forgive sins and loving lead the children back to the heavenly Father.

To them, Christ has entrusted the office of teaching, sanctifying and governing in his name and by his power.

Let's pray for all priests this day that God would take care of them so they can fulfill the work entrusted to them, all for our sake.


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