Thursday of week 7 in Ordinary Time, 1

Effects of God's presence

Mark 9:41-50

We may contemplate on God's mercy and justice, but the gospel points out the effects of living in mercy - perfection.

Our experience of God's mercy leads us to a kind of perfection in holiness brought about by the living out of God's love.  God's presence in us causes us that deep change, among them are the following:

First, mercy

God's mercy planted in our hearts causes us to live in mercy, to give water to the thirsty, to consider others' welfare before our own.

Second, perfection 

God's mercy cannot be lackadaisical, tepid, or lacking in enthusiasm.  Things are non-negotiable as in the gospel, "If your eye causes you to sin, cut it off..."

Third, usefulness

Ecclesiastes reminds us, "Do not set your heart on ill-gotten gains, they will be of no use to you on the day of disaster." (Ecc. 5, 10)  God has no need of us.  We are to remind ourselves that God gives us the flavor of salt to share ourselves to others.  But if we don't reach out, we have no use.


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