Thursday of week 5 in Ordinary Time, 1

Restoring communion

Mark 7:24-30

The first reading talks of the unity between man and woman, "You are the bone of my bone, the flesh of my flesh.

Remember that in this state man is still united with God in an unbreakable bond of love and being. Though sin destroyed all these, let us take time to enrich ourselves with this thought about being one with one another and with God.  Isn't this heaven?

This unity is brought to completion by Jesus who finally destroyed sin.  He brought us back to God.  Thus, our challenge is to bring back all things to unity with God.

Thus, communion entails that we desire for the ultimate good 

Let us desire to be united with him, God, and live out the ultimate goodness.  We want to be guided, to breathe the ultimate good, and let him be a part of us; we also desire to be united with others and lead others to God..

Second, communion needs perseverance

This is the seed of faith.  Real faith does not give in to sin even though we are sinners.  God would like to see that faith in us before he can proceed to healing.

Third, communion brings about healing

"Your daughter is cured."  Healing integrates a person back into the community.  Healing brings us back to God.  Heaven is our ultimate healing, when we and the Lord and others become one.


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