Tuesday of week 24 in Ordinary Time, 2

Unity in diversity

Luke 7:11-17

St. Paul oriented the Church of Corinth as having different parts but consisting of one body of Christ.

In the gospel, Jesus gave back the son to the widow Nain.

Our lack is always filled with others.  Know that our lives are always meant for others and not ourselves.  For through us, others live.

And how do we live?  Through unity and diversity.

We all need one another.  That is unity.  We are all important in God's eyes.

In diversity, we contribute our share so others may live. We all have a role to do in the work of salvation.  Our mission in this world is to fulfill what God wishes us to do in this world.

How do we know our mission?  This needs discernment.

Discernment is being open to the Holy Spirit.  It means reorienting our lives to listen to the promptings of the Holy Spirit and to respond appropriately to the Holy Spirit.  This is the particularity of who we are.  This is our contribution to the world, our talents as God sees them.


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