Saturday of week 23 in Ordinary Time, year 2

Firm foundation
Luke 6:43-49
A disciple is built on a firm foundation. What makes a firm foundation? Communion with Christ, strengthened by the teachings and life of Jesus, and fruitful in his works.Right this early, we need to regard ourselves as disciples of Jesus and not just simple churchgoers. A disciple is not simply moved by the miracles of healing or spectacle of the faith but on a lively charity.
St. Paul talks about an authentic disciple: he is in communion with Jesus just as we partake of His body and blood instead of being in communion with idols.
In the gospel, Jesus reminds us to build our faith on a firm foundation. Jesus is that firm foundation, both his life and teachings. We need to root ourselves in this.
Finally, the disciple becomes fruitful or barren based on what lies in his heart.
On St. Nicolas of Tolentino
Nicolas of Tolentino at a young age of 18 became a monk. He became a priest seven years later. A confessor, a giver of bread to the poor, he lived a life of pure charity. His life is based on a firm foundation, Jesus himself.