Thursday of the 8th week, II

"See through everything"

Mk. 10, 46 - 52

"Lord, I want to see", is not just a prayer of the physically blind; it is also our prayer.  We want to see through our decisions whether they are geared towards good or evil, life or death, and heaven or hell.
Through our faith, Jesus teaches us real values of life such that in every heart and every person is guided by right reason and virtues.  This constant exposure to Jesus' words and actions mold us to really be the Christians that God desires of us.

In asking for the prayer of seeing, may we know where our intentions are leading us to.  See beyong ourselves - are they leading us to love one another or just selecting whom we want to love?

Second, look for the core of our intentions, do we intend to go beyond time into eternity or are we just concerned with the here and now and eventually not concerned with the values of the next generations?

Third, look deeply inside the self - do we really want to reach out to God or are we content with ourselves?

Let us see beyond ourselves, even beyond time, and beyond the bounds of earth.  Search for God everywhere.


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