Thursday of the 7th week of Eastertide

Becoming instruments of salvation

John 17:20-26 

From the first reading, Paul received Jesus' command to go to the center of the earth - Rome.  This is in contrast with the confusion of the Pharisees and the Sadducees over the issue of the resurrection.  The truth is not a matter of opinion.  On the contrary, it is an issue of discerning the Absolute truth that sets us all free - God himself.

In the second reading, Jesus prays for all the children of God to be one as he and the Father are one and that we might be kept safe until we are totally united to the Father.

These events all lead us to who we are: disciples molded according to the very heart of Jesus to lead all people to salvation.  We are the instruments of Jesus' salvation to the world.

How do we become instruments of Jesus' salvation?  We become one by being catechized by the Eucharist, the Word, and the teachings of the apostles.

Let, we are concerned with the good of others through a life of service and charity.

And third, if our real concern is to lead all people to heaven, we would start with the conduct of our own lives that radiates to others.  Thus, we become the living pictures of Jesus in the world.


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