Tuesday of Holy Week

Availing of the graces of the Eucharist

John 13:21-33,36-38

Jesus' role as the Messiah was prophesied in Isaiah 49:1-6 as "being called even before I was born" and "a servant with whom I (God) will be glorified", and "I will make you the light of the nations
so that my salvation may reach to the ends of the earth."

In other words, Jesus would be the one to heal the wounds of alienation and bring back the children of God to the Father.

In today's Gospel, Jesus revealed that one of the apostles would betray him.  But he will be glorified nevertheless.

The Eucharist is a steady food for the pilgrim people of God.  Unfortunately, not all are receiving this tremendous grace from Jesus.  Either they lack the knowledge of the Eucharist enough to appreciate it or they are so entangled with the world affairs that they forget the true affairs which consist of the Father's affairs.

Our regular attendance at mass makes us beneficiaries of the healing action of Jesus.  His salvific action restores our relationship with the Father marred by sin.  He increases our love for one another and makes us friends even with strangers and enemies.  He makes our love concrete by acts of mercy to bring life and healing to others.

Let us avail of this wonderful graces as we participate in every Eucharist.  Salvation is currently happening.


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