Tuesday of the 4th week of Lent


John 5:1-3,5-16

Water is the underlying theme of the readings from Ezekiel and today's gospel.

Water is necessary element for survival.  Our body is composed of seventy percent water.

When Jesus cured the sick man, he need not hurry to dip in the pool.  Jesus is the water that heals him.

I would focus then on life rather on death.  Our bodies are dying each day; but with enough boost of water and its daily supply, we will continue to live.

Others seem to inflict death more than inspire others to life.  They think that if they do it eveytime, they live.  When will we realize that all of us need water, not judgment or ridicule?  Let's pray that we may serve as water to each other.

Second, let us focus on the One who is our water.  Just as water is important for our survival, so too do our livees depend on Jesus alone for healing, strength and life.


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