Saturday of week 20 in Ordinary Time, 1

The redeemer's heart

Matthew 23:1-12

Boaz redeemed Ruth and Naomi who were widows.

The ultimate redeemer is Jesus Christ himself.  Through him we are made new creations.  He did it through his passion, death, and resurrection so that the forgiveness of sins might be proclaimed.

Let us pray that we may appreciation the redemption of Jesus to all of us.  We are made new creations. Let us also learn from his redeeming ways, that we may share in the responsibility of redeeming our brothers and sisters.

First, let us be concerned our with our interior transformation whether the qualities of redemption are integrated in our words and actions;

Secondly, do we rely totally on Jesus as our way, truth, and life for our ultimate redemption?

Third, are we willing to undergo servanthood?  To serve and not to be served?  To be an agent of salvation for many?

Let us take Mary, queen of heaven and earth, as our model for redemption.  Her words and actions are integrated; she relied totally on the Lord as her Master, and she is the handmade of the Lord.


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