Wednesday of week 13 in Ordinary Time, 1

Love the sinner

Matthew 8:28-34

"Hate the sin but love the sinner."

In the gospel, even though Jesus exorcised the demons out of the two men, still the people wanted him out of their village.  They were not able to distinguish between what is good and evil.

The intention of God himself is to save people and put an end to sin which He did through the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus.  Let us share in this task by not judging or condemning people.  It is our duty to save others.  But let us also be resolved to put an end to the sin that lurks in people's hearts and find their way in communities and nations.

This is what it means to "hate the sin but love the sinner."  We condemn the sin, but let us do everything to lead the sinner back to God.


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