Thursday of the ninth week, 1

God's love and order

Mk. 12, 28 - 34

Tobiah stood up to marry Sarah.  But before they went to bed to consummate their marriage, Tobiah prayed to God to bless their married life.

In the gospel Jesus was confronted with the question, which is the greatest of all commandments.  He said, Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and you shall love your neighbor as yourself.

People might hold a different opinion that relationships can exist without the grace and blessing of God.  But come to think of it:  God created man and woman so that they might be fruitful and producing more human beings and thus, the world should continue to exist. Such occurrence has the fullest blessing from God - the continuation of the whole humanity.

Jesus enunciated the most important law - loving God with all one's heart.  To love God is to bring order to the entire human existence.  It is also to continue the next generation. To love one's neighbor is to bring love to others and reflect God's love.

So let us simply reflect if indeed we love God with out whole being and not just partially love him.  Our life's order depends on this.


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