Tuesday of the 6th week of Eastertide

Even though Jesus is not here

  John 16:5-11

At this time in the liturgy, Jesus is getting ready to ascend to heaven. But he is giving his last minute instructions before his last departure. He is not going to leave us as orphans.  Rather, he will send the Holy Spirit; then we shall understand what is right and what is wrong.

In the first reading, Paul and companions are experiencing what Jesus also experienced in his life - rejection.  On the other hand, they are also experiencing the miracle of being free.

What constitutes real freedom?  Freedom is intimately connected with knowledge and life of truth.  Truth is what we learn from Jesus to help to be truly free.

Even though it's 2000 years from the time of Christ's life, we continue to experience his truth as if Jesus were near us.  Only through the Holy Spirit can we say that Jesus has not abandoned us; and he continues to work in the world because he is with us.


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