50th Wedding anniversary

Gospel: John 15: 12 - 16

I have been privileged to facilitate the renewal of marriage vows of Ching and Mar who are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary.

It is the dream of all dreams of the children to see their parents walk up the aisle again and renew their eternal love which now we all know is a direct replica of God's love.

I haven't had the privilege of the length of  days to journey with this lovable couple; nevertheless, I would want to reflect on their marital relationship as reflected on their chosen readings - from the book of Tobit and St. Paul to the Collosians.

From the book of Tobit, already advanced in age and deported to Niniveh, sends his son Tobias to Medias to collect a debt.  Tobias meets and marries Sarah in the process as they now continue to serve his father who dies of old age.

This story is famous for a young man's total love and dedication to his father as well as his wife, which is solidifies the concept of Christian marriage.

Tobias and sara prayed so they would win God's protection on their journey

But the prayer reflects Tobias' best intentions for his wife, which I believe is Mar's prayer for Ching.  And their solemn prayer is for them to grow old together and to see their children and their children's children alive and well.

In St. Paul's letter to the Colossians, the perfect love comes out: the chosen people clothed in love, bearing each other's burdens, and finding its real home in heaven.  There could not be any greater love than this: love that has its roots in Jesus.

Jesus enumerated for us the signs of true love that reaches to the heavens: laying down one's life for one's friend; now, I call you "friends", the most intimate form of relationship for those who follow Jesus' command; finally, a love that bears fruit till everlasting life.

God bless you Mar and Ching!


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