Tuesday of week 5 of the year 1


 Mark 7:1-13

God blessed man and woman, saying to them, ‘Be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth and conquer it. Be masters of the fish of the sea, the birds of heaven and all living animals on the earth.’ (Genesis 1:20ff)

It is obvious that God's intention for man is not simply to multiply the earth, but to be caretakers of his creation.  He entrusts his authority upon them to be stewards.

He trusts that we become masters of his creation, not abusers of creation.  Are we trustworthy now? We can only be trustworthy if we entrust our whole selves to his service.  If we don't have any time for him, how can we have time to manage God's affairs?  What is our time on earth for?

And now, we are talking about managing his creation.  How can we actually do that if we are more concerned with taking everything only for us and not for others?

We are simply caretakers of the earth.   God is our master.  Serve only the Master and we shall be served justly and adequately.


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