Tuesday of week 4 of the year I

Keep close to Jesus

Mark 5:21-43

As you will agree with me, reading every story and account on the bible gives us great consolation, because it is always a story of the triumph of good, healing, of grace, as well as the end of death, evil, and hardships.

The Letter to the Hebrew reminds us to cling to what is good till the very end and to throw away everything that hinders us from clinging to the Eternal Good.  The gospels tells of two related accounts of healing, one who is on the verge of death and another who died.

Our goal is to stay faithful to Jesus till the end.  Be also faithful to his teachings and let them bear fruit in our lives.  As he healed and raised the dead to life, he also wants that our day to day existence be filled with stories of miracles, conversions, and fruitfulness.  As a servant captures the heart of the Master, so too may our hearts be molded to Christ so we can be fruitful in winning souls for Christ.  The key is to stay close to Jesus.


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