Thursday of week 10 of the year, year II

The spirit of the law

In going back to the Old Testament, the Christian re-exposes himself to God's word and check whether he adheres to His will and he binds himself to Jesus to be and "Alter Christus in the world".

The story of Ahab as story of entrusting oneself to God will with the spirit of a totally dependent child to his father.  From this intimacy, one learns from the father.  One learns to posses the heart of the father.

In the gospel, Jesus enters into the spirit of the law.  We can follow the external law if we wanted to.  But the Waterloo of every law is when some parts are not written.  Then we can justify our every action.

But in the Christian world.  The law is Jesus himself who commands us to go deeper than the law.  He reminds us that anger against a brother leads to death.  Thus, we should take care that from the very start we don't violate our relationship with our brother.

"Be perfect as the heavenly Father is perfect.  By this everyone shall know we are Christians - by our love for one another," says Jesus.


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