Friday of the ninth year II

How does one learn?

One learns through word; i.e., through the teachings of others.

But in the first reading, St. Paul was quick to remind Timothy of his patience, love, and constancy as he preached in different places.  He also shared with him his persecutions and how Jesus rescued him.

In the Gospel, Jesus had to refute earlier claims that he was an impostor and not the Son of God.  But it takes the Son of God to explain it in the most convincing way.  And the most convincing way to explain God's love is through the offering of one's own life.

How else can the next generation know about Jesus?  How many can commit themselves to His work?  Only the persons who have the heart of Christ, those whose knowledge about God are converted into concrete actions have the capacity to see the life in their children, the life that comes from God.  They shall live forever.


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