Flowers for Mary

Back in Rome, in the catacombs, Christians of early years would decorate the tombs with paintings of flowers to symbolize heaven.  In the Basilica of St. Mary Major, the huge ceiling is adorned with golden roses.   In the feast of the Assumption of Mary, her missing body was replaced with a garden of flowers in her tomb, according to the classic film produced by Fr. Peyton's Family Rosary Crusade.

We are paying tribute to Mother of the Lord the whole month of May by offering flowers to her.  We let our young children, the source of our joy, to offers flowers of different kinds as a sign of our devotion to her. 

Mary is the fragrant offering like a flower to her cousin Elizabeth.  She and her offspring are the symbols of heaven reaching out to save us.  She is the life bestowed by the Holy Spirit to the barren and the outcast.  She is the hope and joy of every Christian on the way to heaven.  Her son Jesus is the main source of our happiness; the joy of God the Father himself; the flower of life.

May we recognize this blessed day and get a flower, pleasing and fragrant, and offer it to our Lady to symbolize the offering of our lives to be sanctified by the Lord and make it pleasing before God our Father.


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