Come Holy Spirit!

As we celebrate Pentecost Sunday, what I realized is this: that after Christ's mission on earth, and after the story of God the Father's creation, the Spirit molds everything toward its proper completion. The birth of the Church and its mission on earth is the continuation of what God the Father and the Son have started. It is also upon us right now to understand, live out, give witness, make present and share with others God's gift of the Spirit.

The Spirit enables us to see the truth and to understand it. Till now what we have are trickles of truth. But as it comes in, we are slowly led to a firm realization of who we are and what our mission is, and how to stay focused and faithful to that mission entrusted to us by Christ.

The Spirit gives us strength to live out and give witness to God's will day by day, minute by minute, second by second. Now we are not afraid,like the apostles whose fear subsided. The Spirit guides us day by day to do what is good and pleasing to the Lord and avoid what is evil, to go a step further to carry the cross that leads us to salvation.

The Spirit enables us to make present God's action in the world by carrying out the mission entrusted to us in the most faithful and effective way possible with joy, gladness and peace in our hearts. It is Christ's work all over again through us.

Finally, the Spirit enables us to share to others this valuable gift. It is the Father's work all over again, but this time, through the saving action of Christ under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Let us have a feast then. Let us take a new view of life, not in terms of our day to day struggles, of seemingly endless meaningless routines, but taking on the Spirit that enables us to be new creations.

Come Holy Spirit, fill our hearts with your love. Renew the face of the earth!


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