The grace of seeing the spiritual

In this day and age, there is nothing compared as to be gifted with seeing what is holy, Godly, or "spiritual". As in the case of San Juan Diego, a simple man to whom the Lady of Guadalupe appeared as instructed him to build a Church in Mexico, so too must we strive to be able to see beyond what we normally do.

Seeing the "spiritual" enables us to prioritize the more important things, more important than the material wealth we always dream of having. I am not referring to spiritual as ghosts; rather, the things only the eyes of faith can see in its orientation to God.

To see the "spiritual", we have to detoxify ourselves from the many lies promised by this world - new homes, cars, power, wealth, a stable country - almost everything. They are simply fleeting; they don't even have a mark in heaven. Aim for the spiritual things.

Secondly, we have seek for the values that will last forever - a strong character, our way to heaven, charity, sense of being, closeness to God. Aim for those we can pass on to our children so they would not be lost as they travel in this world on the way to heaven.

Thirdly, seek the face of the Lord in everything we do. There is none like it when we follow God's will and allow ourselves like children to be lead by the Divine Master.

Only the spiritual find their way to heaven through living meaningful lives here on earth.


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