The final preparation before Christmas

The vigil mass this Christmas commences as a preparation for what is to come: the solemn feast of the birth of the Lord. Thus, this is still a time that is coming, and it is filled with hope that the kingship of the Lord will dawn upon us. What does it mean to celebrate the kingship of the Lord?

First, it is movement from sin to grace through repentance - the recovery of the grace lost by original sin; we thus should be empowered to do good and rid ourselves of evil.

Second, it is a movement from death to life - this should be very evident in the way we practice our faith - with zeal and passion. Not just a set of practices, Church life should enliven us to be more aggressive in the work of salvation.

Third, it is a movement from selfishness to selflessness in God - It is not I who live, but Christ who lives in me; that Christ who is King above all kings; a Christ who rules my life and brings order into it.

Let Christ be our only motivation to live.


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