The basis of a strong faith
Thursday of week 12 in Ordinary Time

Matthew 7:21-29

it is not enough that we call God "Lord, Lord". If we don't do his will it all accounts to nothing.

The author of the Book of Kings narrated this story to point out that even Israel was not exempted from the punishment just because they were the chosen people of God.  Even they were exiled to Babylon like Adam and Eve who were removed from paradise  simply because they disobeyed God and have turned to gods.

Matthew recalled the image of the house built on rock.  We should know the solid rock to base our faith on.  We need to anticipate the trials our faith would undergo. And third, we need to act of them.

What is that rock?  Jesus; God himself. 

The tests to faith? Temptation and the world's persecutions.  They will do everything to veer us away from God.

Acts of faith?  Faithfulness, obedience to God, compassion to others.  Faith manifested in concrete form.


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