How to be active proclaimers of the Word

Tuesday of the 5th week of Eastertide
John 14:27-31
How easy is it to proclaim the Good News!In the first reading, the apostles acknowledged that it is not easy being proclaimers of the Word, "We will have to suffer much before we can proclaim the Good News." We will have to rid ourselves of every selfish intentions before we can deliver to others the purity of the Good News.
In the Gospel, Jesus lays down the gifts the proclaimers need to effectively deliver the Good News.
First, peace that comes from God himself and not as the world gives. The world gives temporary peace like our money in the midst of covid. But that money will soon disappear. What kind of peace does God offer? The gift of a heart that is oriented to every kind of goodness to others. The rich is not at peace if the intention is to survive only on one's own. But the peace that comes from God is oriented to serving everyone; that is peace.
Second, courage. the proclaim would be equipped with a strong and sturdy heart oriented to follow what is right and good and what is coming from God himself. God's law is written in his heart and he bravely follows it; whereas, the heart of a coward is a compromising heart. He compromises his faith and convictions.
Thirdly, love. The love in his heart is the love that binds the Most Holy Trinity in love. He also connects with others in love.
Only then could the Good News come out of lips and life of a proclaimer.