The heart of a disciple

Tuesday of the 2nd week of Lent

Matthew 23:1-12

Lent calls us to review our every outlook and attitude of life in relation to God.  God demands in the first reading utmost obedience to him.  Only then could we have real order in the world.

Furthermore, in the gospel, Jesus called to transcend the ways of the pharisees.  We have to transcend from mere external observances to total dedication to serving the Lord from the inside if we want to be his disciple.

What lies in the heart of a disciple?  Three things:

Humility.  Humility marks the spot when we recognize our proper place in God's world.  We also know that our place in this world is to assist others rather than lord it over them.

Obedience.  If we continue to rebel against God, we bring havoc to the world he created.  Then, the "sword shall eat us instead."

Purity.  Purity of mind and heart enables us to be attuned with God.  It also enables us to love one another without any pretense.

These and a host of other good qualities should deepen our faith and relationship with God.


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