Where our love for God will take us

Tuesday of the 1st week of Lent
Matthew 6:7-15
We would like to explore the love of God which goes deeper and deeper until we can see its destination - the perfection of love in God.
God says, all of what he says will be fulfilled. Let the words be proofs that indeed, they can be reach their completion.
The prayer of the Our Father is a prayer of completion. It gives the entire essence of a follower and a disciple of the Lord.
It speaks of one acknowledging the awesome presence and power of the Lord and his existence.
It speaks of ones dependence on the Lord, even for the food.
It speaks of the contents of the heart - love.
It implores mercy at the last moment of life to lead us to heaven in God.
May Lent be a fulfillment of all these - our destination in God.