To rely totally on God

St. Francis of Assisi

Thursday of week 26 in Ordinary Time 

Luke 10:1-12 

If there as saints as relevant and as well known in today's world, it would be St. Francis, a man who renounced all wealth, even his father, so he can freely call God his father and follows of ways of Jesus.

St. Francis, renounced everything, yet his wealth is the wealth of the creation of God.

He also lived out the gospels in the literal way, and showed us that it is really possible to live that way of life that God provides.

The first reading is about the total dependence on God; as he is also the one whom Job wants to talk to.  Yet his defender is God himself.  St. Francis denounced the world but made God his supreme defender and Father.

The gospel is precisely how St. Francis lived in this world, not depended on any material things, but totally immersed in the mission to proclaim the Good News.  His wealth is love incarnated in himself. He taught us how to live like a child; with utmost excitement only in the power of the Lord.

Finally, why is St. Francis doing this?  Why are the saints doing what they're doing?  It's because of the Kingdom of God that is at hand - a kingdom where love and justice prevails; a kingdom that is to come but is already here.  St. Francis lived out God's kingdom now; that's accounts for his relevance in today's world and the fruitfulness of his ministry.  May we take upon ourselves the vision of St. Francis in our discipleship before the Lord.


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