Belittled? Don't worry!

Friday of week 17 in Ordinary Time

Matthew 13:54-58

Have we experienced being belittled by others, even oppressed?

Jeremiah and Jesus were not exempt from these trials.  Jeremiah, who spoke God's words, was not accepted by the people.

Jesus was nearly pushed to a cliff for giving witness to the Father.  He was also put to the cross because of this.

But did the oppression stop them from proclaiming the truth? No!  Why?  Because there are two graces that they have which we also need to ask from the Lord.

The first is truth.  The truth sets us free.  Who else knows us except God alone?  Other people will only get a glimpse of who we are.  Stay close to God then and learn from his ways.  Then we shall live in the light of truth.

Who else knows us except God alone?

The second is love.  St. John says, "Perfect love casts out fear." (1 John 4:18)  Love is based on a sincere intention to build relationship and not destroy it.  With love all things are possible, including forgiveness, caring, sharing, and healing. 

Belittled?  Don't worry.  Fight fear with truth and love.

Don't depend on what other people say.  Depend on God.  Depend on his truth and love.  Then we will be prophets, joyfully doing God's will.


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