Common values of Sts. Peter and Paul

Vigil Mass on the Solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul John 21:15-19 With the celebration of the martyrdom of Sts. Peter and Paul and their invaluable contribution to the growth and development of the Church, what is common with these two great men? First, a progressive, developing faith. St. Peter's faith is just like any of us, it has its highs and lows, tos nd fros, forwards and backwards. St. Paul started out killing Christians. But all these changed to a livelier, sturdier faith, giving us the opportunity to accept our humanity but also have the willingness to make our faith perfect. Second, the willingness to be formed. St. Paul's conversion is tremendous; and so is Peter's when his betrayal was changed to repentance. St. Paul underwent formation till he can explain the faith to others with passion. Let's open our hearts to receive learnings from Lord in our everyday lives. Third, perfect love. In the Gospel, Peter was asked...