How to open the eyes of our faith

Easter Thursday

Luke 24:35-48 

We are exposed to forty days of Jesus' presence to the disciples after the Resurrection.  This is the fourth day.

Peter gave a discourse after he and John cured a lame man.  He helped deepen their understanding about Jesus and the work of salvation.  He needed to explain all these to open the eyes of their faith.

In the Gospel, Jesus appeared to the apostles.  He even proved to them that he is present in body and spirit through the eating of the food.  But like the first reading, he wanted to open the eyes of their faith to greater realities: the reality of God's love and salvation through him.

We are in need of salvation.  But existence in this world means we have to have the resources to feed our bodies with food.  Some of our brethren get stuck in the world of materialism, others hinge on power, fame, and persons for their happiness.

How do we open the eyes of faith then to the realities of Jesus?

First, realize that even the world is a manifestation of God's presence, giving order to the world.  The most obvious picture is that of poor fish in the ocean eating plastic and dying in numbers.  All these happen simply because man failed to understand his existence as a creature of God.  He intends to destroy creation by eating everything for himself.

Second, realize that no matter how hard we try, we cannot save ourselves.  Every time we do so, especially in the name of self-survival, another creature, plant, animal, or another human being, dies.

Third, only God saves us through Jesus.  All the love of the Lord in the midst of persecution and rejection; all forgiveness are signs that this God is truly intent on saving the world not through annihilation but through love.  And he commands us to love one another as he has loved us.

This is the only way we can be saved: by understanding who Jesus is.


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