The Lord's tears

Thursday of week 33 in Ordinary Time

Luke 19:41-44

The first reading tells the story of how Mattathias was  steadfast in his faith.

It's the opposite in the gospel when
Jesus wept because the people of Israel was so hard-heartened they couldn't even detect the Messiah in the midst.

I would like to reflect more on the tears that Jesus might also have for us.  What are the various tears of Jesus?

A commentary states that Jesus wept six times in the course of his life.  Through these types of tears we could detect what kind of tears Jesus has for us and if we could also feel the same tears.

First is the tears of joy.  Jesus cried when he was born.  This truly is a cry of joy of being born and of being one with humankind.

The second occasion when Jesus cried was when he was presented to the temple.  Even though the baby Jesus cried because of the process, still we could consider it tears of joy because Jesus accepted wholeheartedly his role as a Savior of humankind.

The second type of tears is the tears of relationship.  The third occasion Jesus wept was when Lazarus died he had to raise him up.  "See how he loved him" was the gossip of the crowd.  This represents the tears we have for others, specially the downtrodden; the least, the last, and the lost.  Do our hearts beat in indignation because of the hardships experienced by them?  It should lead us to raise them back to life as Jesus did with Lazarus.

The third type is the the tears of sadness and regret, as Jesus wept over Jerusalem due to its lack of faith.  Would parents still cry for their wayward child; or their hearts remain numb even though they could hear the cry of the poor?

The final type of tears is the tears of perfect love.  Jesus cried with sweat like drops of blood as he thought of what was to come. "Lord, may this cup pass me by; not my will but yours be done."

And the last occasion was during the crucifixion when Jesus cried, "Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they do."  This is the state of perfect love that seeks to please the Other above all things, even self.

May we shed tears of love for our brothers and sisters and most of all, for God.


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