The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus


Matthew 11:25-30 

As we celebrate the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus we are confronted with a heart that is overflowing with love that we need to cherish, meditate, and contemplate each moment of our lives.  It also reflects the process of our intimacy with Jesus, thus, inculcating his very own heart.

The readings teach us the the various facets of God's love.

First, that in the First Reading, Moses reminds the people on the very reason of God as he choose Israel as his son - it is simply because he loves.

May this remind us to be moved in constant humility in this world; that we have nothing to brag about except being loved by God.

Second, from the Gospel, let us choose Jesus' yoke, for his "yoke is easy and his burden is light."  His yoke is truly incomparable with the yoke of sin.

Third, let us live out God's love in our bodies and souls by loving God above all things and loving our neighbors as Jesus loved us.

God's love truly transforms us; we become love incarnate.


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