6th Sunday of Easter

Doing the works of Jesus

John 14:15-21

We reflect on the development of the resurrection experience in the sixth Sunday of Easter.

In this Sunday, we hear Philip and the apostles doing exactly the works of Jesus like curing the sick and expelling demons.  Easter shifted from the resurrected body of Jesus to the Church where all its members are doing the exact works of Jesus.  The Church now becomes the body of Christ, doing his work everywhere.

This is possible because of the Holy Spirit as Jesus promised, "I shall ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate to be with you for ever," giving the apostles and us that assurance that he will stay with us forever.

This is our challenge in the 21st century, to do the exact works of Jesus as in the time of the apostles, instead of limiting our Christian responsibility to simply attending 1 hour weekly masses.  In order to be converted to Christ, we need to use up time as long as the one given to us, talents that we have developed for the service of others, and even treasure in order to do the works of Jesus that frees others from the state of sin to live a life of grace.

Let us be his instruments in proclaiming the Good News, starting from our families, and immediate communities.  After all, we too were laid hands when we were baptized, confirmed, and consecrated.  Let us realize the Church as the Body of Christ called to change the world for good.


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