Wednesday of Holy Week

Disciples or betrayers?

Matthew 26:14-25

With a day away from the celebration of the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus, the sin of betrayal is planted in Judas' heart.  He now fulfills his role as a traitor.

In the first reading from Isaiah, "The Lord has given me a disciple's tongue."  We now are confronted with this question: Who are we - disciples or betrayers?

The disciple's identity springs from his relationship with God himself.  As God is Lord, he is a follower.  He is not the owner.  Judas started owning his own plan of salvation apart from Jesus.

Second, the disciple is molded to perfection by the master himself.  In Isaiah, we witnessed a meek disciple who let the violent hurt him.  But he stayed meek and humble.  On the other hand, Judas seeks more power; he just received thirty pieces of silver.

Finally, a disciple is fruitful because everything is God's work and he is witness of God's blessings.  the traitor on the other hand leads to the death of the Messiah.  "Better if he had not been born," said Jesus.

We cannot be both disciples and betrayers.  We need to define with finality whether we are followers of the Lord or followers of the world.  There is no middle world.


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