Thursday of the 2nd week of Lent

How to be eternally happy

Luke 16:19-31

We are called in this Lenten season not just to say sorry for all our offenses but to root ourselves in Christ.  In Jeremiah, a selfish person is like a dry scrub in the wasteland while the person who puts his trust in the Lord is like a tree by the waterside.

God can see right through our hearts if we are the dry scrub or the flourishing tree; or whether we are the poor man Lazarus or the rich man in the gospel.

In the Holy Father Pope Francis' Lenten message, he dwelt exactly on this parable to help us really prepare for our conversion in Christ and attain happiness.

First, he reminds us that people are gifts, most especially the poor.  It's an opportunity for us to recognize God's gifts and serve Him through them.

Second, he warns us of the blindness of sin that hinders us from becoming truly happy.

Third, he encourages us to listen to God's word as our path to holiness and happiness.


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