Thursday of week 3 in Ordinary Time , 1

Sts. Timothy and Titus, Bishops

Mark 4:21-25

Sts. Timothy and Titus were laid hands by St. Paul; they continued his work.

They were sent to be witnesses of the Lord.  What does witnessing mean?

First, witnessing to the Lord is witnessing to his truth.  The truth sets us free.

Second, the truth also is the light of our lives.  All lies are kept in the dark.  They darken the mind.

Third, the truth is filled with compassion which is the heart of a witness.  The witness brings others to the light because they have the concern like Jesus.

All these can be seen in the bishops and priests, with whom the Holy Father and the bishop laid their hands on.  Laying of hands mean the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, giving witnesses the power give witness to Jesus himself, the God of holiness, justice, and mercy.


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