All Saints

Where is heaven?

Matthew 5:1-12

There seems to be a dichotomy between heaven and earth.  People on earth are concerned with earthly cares while people of heaven enjoy eternal bliss.

It may be true that there is a dichotomy like for example, people are still struggling to be holy while those in heaven have already reached eternal life.  

But the readings seem to point otherwise.  Heaven is here on earth among people struggling to live saintly lives.  The vision of John regarding the 144,000 was before the angels destroy the earth.  St. Paul also mentioned that we are already children of God but what we are to be in the future has not yet been revealed.  And in the gospel, Jesus narrated those who are truly blessed; all they are all in the world.

Friends, we are still in the world.  We are saints in process. The things we say and do now account for our entrance to heaven.  Why must we continue to be lost in the daily affairs of life when we should already be planning and journeying towards the Kingdom of Heaven  here on earth?

In everything we do, whether in joy or in sorrow, in poverty and in wealth, let our lives be a story of heaven unfolding right before our very eyes.  Offer our poverty, problems, and sorrows to the Lord.  Let them be stepping stones toward eternal happiness.  Let us be preoccupied with mercy and peace with our brothers and sisters.  And whatever costs are, let us continue to do what is right, even if it means offering our lives for Christ.

This is heaven.  This is what it means to join the saints in heaven.  This is what is means to be with Jesus always and forever.


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