Tuesday of week 28, II

An familiar mix

Luke 11:37-41

The first reading calls us not in excessive observance of the external law but in following Christ.  In the gospel, Jesus also reprimands the Pharisees not because of their external practices, but what lies in their hearts.

Then Jesus focuses of alms as manifestations of what lies in the heart.  No one can give alms unless there is mercy and compassion.  And no one elicits mercy and compassion unless his or her heart is filled with the presence of God who is love.

For everything starts with interior conversion brought about by an authentic encounter of love. This is faith.  It opens us to God's world.

Second, we cannot give to others what we don't have.  If we don't have love, we can never share it to others.  Faith converted to action is love.  God gives us his love.  Love is the measure of faith.

Love is converted to many forms - service, compassion, generosity.

Faith, love, service - in a welcome, familiar mix, give a person a wholistic, healthy existence.


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