Thursday of week 17 in Ordinary Time, II

The kingdom of God

Matthew 13:47-53

We have been reflecting on the Kingdom of God; better yet, the kingship of God.

We may have our definitions and concepts about the Kingdom of God, but there is nothing like it when we allow God himself to define His own Kingship.  Our role is simply to discern and adhere to God's kingship over our lives.

In the gospel, the fisherman gets all sorts of things in his net.  He collects those that are of use while throws away those that are useless to him.  Likewise, the kingdom is likened to a householder who brings out from his storeroom things both old and new.

What is common to these two images is the owner - the fisherman and householder who is in full control of all things they choose.

Such is the Kingship of God.  He is in full control over all things including us.  What makes the difference is our uselessness or usefulness to him.

Are our lives a series of our usefulness to the Lord?  Do we always say "yes" to Him or do we pass every opportunity of service to Him by claiming to be busy?

Moreover, in the first reading, the Lord likened himself to the potter who handles the clay.  The clay is totally dependent on the potter.  Would we say the our lives are molded by God to perfection?

In our willingness to be formed by God can God truly reign in our lives.


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