The Birthday of Saint John the Baptist

Discerning our mission Luke 1:57-66,80 The readings speak of John's call or mission. From the Old Testament, Jeremiah mentioned one who would prepare the way of the Lord: ‘Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; before you came to birth I consecrated you; I have appointed you as prophet to the nations.’ The gospel verifies this with the announcement of Angel Gabriel to Zechariah. The Eucharist enables us to fulfill our mission. Our regular reception develops in us the gift to discern the mission God wants us to do in this world. Discernment entails the following processes: First, accepting the basic orientation to live good lives through the reception of the sacraments. St. John lived in a disciplined way and urged the people to repent in preparation for the coming of the Savior. Second, going farther by imitating Christ. St. John preached to the people the ways of Christ even if he hadn't seen him. This is brought about by h...