
Showing posts from October, 2015

Friday of week 30 in Ordinary Time, 1

Our moral disposition Luke 14:1-6 The readings for today are connected because they involve the Jews whom St. Paul described as "adopted sons".  But they were a hardheaded lot, especially the Pharisees who watched Jesus' every move with suspicion. But Jesus focused not on the external action demanded by the law, but what is in the heart, whether  or not the observance of the law is based on the love of God and the willingness to serve him. It all boils down to our moral disposition in these levels: First, evaluate our fundamental orientation - are we really intent on going to heaven and become God's servants? Second, let us evaluate all intentions of our every action.  At the end of the day, only God can judge us based on our true intentions whether these actions are meant to serve Him, or our service is half-hearted, or we want to serve ourselves exclusively. If in our hearts, our true intention is to give glory to God and save our brothers and sisters...

Thursday of week 30 in Ordinary Time, 1

God's power of love Luke 13:31-35 The reading from the letter of Paul to the Romans speaks of a God who will connect with us no matter what.  Not even sin can penetrate that covenant of love. It is reflected in the words of Jesus to stay in Jerusalem till his death even though the Pharisees want him out of the place.  God's will will be fulfilled and Jesus is there to fulfill it. Our response to God's power is humble submission then.  Normally, we don't want to be tied to a particular person, power or ideology. The only thing that remains is our pride to stay put to where we are.  But know now that even this is useless against God's power of love. God's love can turn night into day; it can cure diseases; brings hope to the hopeless; restores sight to the blind; it can even raise the dead back to life.   If we are truly convinced of the power of God's love, then we should have changed our decision to fully committing ourselves to him an...

Friday of week 28 in Ordinary Time

Indebtedness to God Luke 12:1-7 Jesus warns the Jews against the yeast of hypocrisy of the Pharisees.  The Pharisees during that time were perceived to feel higher than anybody else because of their knowledge. Jesus is teaching us to discover the mystery of our true selves: we are simply created by the Father and totally indebted to him. Even the first reading reflects this. "Abraham put his faith in God, and this faith was considered as justifying him. If a man has work to show, his wages are not considered as a favour but as his due; but when a man has nothing to show except faith in the one who justifies sinners, then his faith is considered as justifying him." (Rom. 4, 1 - 8). From the first moment we were born and even before that till today, let us serve God not because God owes us anything, but because we owe God our very own lives.  As God fills us with his blessings each day, let us look at every moment as opportunity to repay him for the immeasurable gene...

Saturday of week 27 in Ordinary Time

God's will Luke 11:27-28 Joel is known for describing the day of the Lord and his final judgment and retribution.  Egypt will suffer while Judah will be inhabited forever. In the gospel, who is blessed?  Those who do God's will and keep it.  Eventually, they are the ones who really live in contrast with those who follow their own wills. To be blessed means to constantly stay close to Jesus, his presence and his words and actions. To be blessed means to act 'in persona Christi', in the person of Christ, especially in giving life to others. To be blessed means to place oneself in the total service of Jesus.

Friday of week 27 in Ordinary Time

The day of the Lord Luke 11:15-26 The first reading speaks of the day of the Lord which may signify the last day, judgment day; it may also mean the end of our lives; but it may also mean that every day is a day of the Lord if we are conscious of his presence every minute and every second. In the gospel, Jesus reprimands the pharisees for accusing him of being an instrument of Beelzebub.  "A house against itself will not stand." Let us reflect on our lives in the presence of the Lord in contrast with a life that is absent from him. Sin is defined as the absence of the Lord; it also means the destruction of all the things he created. It also signifies the destroying the communion with God and others because of selfishness. Let us always reflect whether we are instruments of unity or selfishness, building up God's kingdom or destroying it.  Let us vow to bring his kingdom here on earth.

Wednesday of week 27 in Ordinary Time

Live out mercy Luke 11:1-4 Jonah got angry at the Lord for not punishing Israel.  But God's mercy is far above any act of vindictiveness on his part. In the gospel, Jesus taught his disciples to pray; he also taught them how to have a merciful heart. First thing to living a life of mercy is to God himself - by keeping his name holy and his kingdom come. Second life of mercy is to our ourselves - by giving us the daily bread and forgiving our sins. Third life of mercy is to our neighbors - by forgiving our debtors. By remembering Mary of the Most Holy Rosary, let us rekindle the many times she lived out mercy - by being the handmaid of the Lord and by interceding on our behalf.

Thursday of week 26 in Ordinary Time

Real joy Luke 10:1-12 What is basically the difference between worldly joy and the spiritual joy?  What is the joy of a love tandem promoted by mass media and the joy of serving God? I am proposing five differences for those who are filled with spiritual joy vs. those with worldly joy: 1. Eternal vs. temporary 2. no money can buy vs. joy bought by money 3. we end up givers vs. joy only in receiving 4. nobody is found wanting vs. only a few are filled with many are hungry The main difference is spiritual joy brings life while world joy bring death. Applying this in today's gospel, normally we would not succumb to going to neighbors and knocking at their doors and preaching the good news.  We would opt to stay at home and mind our own business. But count the days and the years of planting and not planting the seed of the Good News. The ones who planted the seeds of the Good News would find their community fruitful while those who minded their own businesses wi...